This is the collection of the tweet chain I wrote celebrating the May23 Bash SCAF day..
#NoSCAF: Fact 1 - Jan28 first wave of Army APCs was actually attacked cuz of suspicion of aiding police. 1 APC was burnt
#NoSCAF: Fact 2 - Jan30 2 F16 fighter jets perform low-altitude maneuvers over #Tahrir to intimidate/frighten protesters
#NoSCAF: Fact 3 - Feb2 Army watches #Tahrir attacked with live ammo & molotov but keeps negative, even when attacked
#NoSCAF: Fact 4 - Feb3 Military Police attack human rights centers, arresting members and confiscate equipment (En)
#NoSCAF: Fact 5 - PreFeb11 Military Police involved in detention & torture of activists & protesters (En) (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 6 - Feb12 After #Mubarak's ouster, first decision by #SCAF was to ban photography in #Tahrir & confiscate all cameras.
#NoSCAF: Fact 7 - Head of #SCAF was minister of Defence in all #Mubarak's Govs for 20 years and Head of Presidential Guard before that!
#NoSCAF: Fact 8 - #Mubarak cut all communications even sms, but after his ouster, #SCAF used sms to spread their propaganda nation wide.
#NoSCAF: Fact 9 - Feb20 Woman got squashed by Army tank in city of Suez when Army forcefully break a protests (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 10 - Feb25 Army cut electricity from #Tahrir and attack protesters at midnight (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 11 - #SCAF faced the threat of Army defects siding with the people since Feb10 starting with Shouman (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 12 - News of the Army hijacking the #Jan25 Revolution started to spread as early as Feb14 (En)
#NoSCAF: The Army chose to side with the people on Feb10 cuz of 2 reasons, 1 fear of defections 2 SCAF had the same goal of ousting Mubarak.
#NoSCAF: The Egyptian regime was established on a Military coup in 52 and Mubarak's plan to name his son as successor was a threat to SCAF.
#NoSCAF: The #Jan25 Revolution gave #SCAF the perfect opportunity to save their control over the regime and preserve their own interests.
#NoSCAF: The 20 #SCAF members owe their careers to#Mubarak and had been there witnessing all the corruption over 30 years. Why move now?
#NoSCAF: When it was clear on Feb10 that Mubarak will not step down, SCAF staged a coup to force him to resign and took direct control.
#NoSCAF: Feb10 was a military coup that used the cover of protests to force Mubarak out of office in order to preserve the military regime.
#NoSCAF: 2011 started with an old soldier running #Egypt, and it will end with a bunch of old soldiers running #Egypt. Nothing has changed!
#NoSCAF: A MUST READ - #Egypt: The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality (En) (STRATFOR - Feb14 - George Friedman)
Happy Bashday SCAF.
#NoSCAF: Fact 1 - Jan28 first wave of Army APCs was actually attacked cuz of suspicion of aiding police. 1 APC was burnt
#NoSCAF: Fact 2 - Jan30 2 F16 fighter jets perform low-altitude maneuvers over #Tahrir to intimidate/frighten protesters
#NoSCAF: Fact 3 - Feb2 Army watches #Tahrir attacked with live ammo & molotov but keeps negative, even when attacked
#NoSCAF: Fact 4 - Feb3 Military Police attack human rights centers, arresting members and confiscate equipment (En)
#NoSCAF: Fact 5 - PreFeb11 Military Police involved in detention & torture of activists & protesters (En) (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 6 - Feb12 After #Mubarak's ouster, first decision by #SCAF was to ban photography in #Tahrir & confiscate all cameras.
#NoSCAF: Fact 7 - Head of #SCAF was minister of Defence in all #Mubarak's Govs for 20 years and Head of Presidential Guard before that!
#NoSCAF: Fact 8 - #Mubarak cut all communications even sms, but after his ouster, #SCAF used sms to spread their propaganda nation wide.
#NoSCAF: Fact 9 - Feb20 Woman got squashed by Army tank in city of Suez when Army forcefully break a protests (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 10 - Feb25 Army cut electricity from #Tahrir and attack protesters at midnight (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 11 - #SCAF faced the threat of Army defects siding with the people since Feb10 starting with Shouman (Ar)
#NoSCAF: Fact 12 - News of the Army hijacking the #Jan25 Revolution started to spread as early as Feb14 (En)
#NoSCAF: The Army chose to side with the people on Feb10 cuz of 2 reasons, 1 fear of defections 2 SCAF had the same goal of ousting Mubarak.
#NoSCAF: The Egyptian regime was established on a Military coup in 52 and Mubarak's plan to name his son as successor was a threat to SCAF.
#NoSCAF: The #Jan25 Revolution gave #SCAF the perfect opportunity to save their control over the regime and preserve their own interests.
#NoSCAF: The 20 #SCAF members owe their careers to#Mubarak and had been there witnessing all the corruption over 30 years. Why move now?
#NoSCAF: When it was clear on Feb10 that Mubarak will not step down, SCAF staged a coup to force him to resign and took direct control.
#NoSCAF: Feb10 was a military coup that used the cover of protests to force Mubarak out of office in order to preserve the military regime.
#NoSCAF: 2011 started with an old soldier running #Egypt, and it will end with a bunch of old soldiers running #Egypt. Nothing has changed!
#NoSCAF: A MUST READ - #Egypt: The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality (En) (STRATFOR - Feb14 - George Friedman)
Happy Bashday SCAF.
الحقيقة 1 : 28 يناير, المتظاهرين أشعلوا النار في تانكات الجيش لايمانهم بانه مساند للشرطة
الحقيقة 2 : في 30 يناير, قامت طائرتان اف-16 بمناورة علي ارتفاع منخفض في سماء التحرير لارهاب المتظاهرين
الحقيقة 3 : وقف الجيش متفرجا علي معركة الجمل ومهاجمة البلطجية للمدنين العزل بأسلحة ومولوتوف
الحقيقة 4 : في 3 فبراير هاجمت الشرطة العسكرية مراكز الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان واعتقلت موظفيها وصادرت معداتها
الحقيقة 5 : قبل 11 فبراير تورطت الشرطة العسكرية في القبض علي ناشطين وتعذيبهم (En) (Ar)
الحقيقة6 : في 12 فبراير وبعد تنحي مبارك, كان أول قرار للجيش هو منع التصوير في التحرير ومصادرة الكاميرات
الحقيقة7 : القائد الأعلي للقوات المسحلة هو وزير الدفاع في عهد مبارك ولمدة 20 عاما وقائد الحرس الجمهوري قبل ذلك
الحقيقة 8 : مبارك قطع عن مصر كل وسائل الاتصالات لكن بعد تنحيه استخدمها الجيش للدعاية
الحقيقة 9 : في 20 فبراير دهست مدرعة للجيش امرأة بمدينة السويس أثناء فض الجيش لمظاهرة (Ar)
الحقيقة 10 : قطع الجيش الكهرباء عن التحرير وقام بمهاجمة المتظاهرين في منتصف الليل (Ar)
الحقيقة11 : واجه المجلس الأعلي خطر انضمام قواته للشعب بداية من 10 فبراير وتصريحات أحمد شومان (Ar)
الحقيقة 12 : أنباء التفاف المجلس الأعلي علي الثورة بدأت في الانتشار منذ 14 فبراير (En
اختار الجيش أن ينحاز للشعب في 10 فبراير لسببين, اولا الخوف من الانقلابات ثانيا رغبتهم في التخلص من مبارك
بني النظام المصري علي انقلاب عسكري سنة 52 ورغبة مبارك في توريث ابنه كان خطرا علي الجيش
أعطت ثورة 25 يناير الفرصة للمجلس العسكري لأن يحتفظ بسيطرته علي النظام ويحافظ علي مصالحه
العشرون عضوا بالمجلس العسكري يدينون بوظائفهم لمبارك وكانوا شاهدين علي الفساد لأكثر من 30 سنة, لماذا يتحركون الاّن؟
عندما أصبح من الواضح في 10 فبراير ان مبارك لن يتنحي, قام المجلس العسكري بانقلاب ليجبروه علي التنحي وباشروا سلطاته
10 فبراير كان انقلابا عسكريا استخدم غطاء المظاهرات الشعبية لاجبار مبارك علي التنحي حفاظا علي النظام العسكري
بدأت 2011 بعسكري حاكما لمصر وستنتهي بمجموعة عسكريين حاكمين لمصر, لم يتغير شيئ
قراءات مفيدة: مصر: المسافة بين الحماسة والواقع
#NoSCAF: A MUST READ - #Egypt: The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality (En) (STRATFOR - Feb14 - George Friedman)
I took the liberty of translating your article to Arabic,,great effort, thank you. #noSCAF
ReplyDeleteA good read as usual
ReplyDeleteHope history won't miss it, or cover it up
Great brief
Many thanks for Ebtehal for the Arabic translation. This is a little tiny example of the Power to the PEOPLE :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Ossama for your comment.